What We Do


-Monthly Senior Citizen / Needy Breakfast: We cook a full course hearty breakfast for our senior Citizens and the needy of our community. They Love to come out to eat, laugh, and fellowship with one another!

-Monthly food drive: We give out Groceries to each family and pray for those in need.


-Annual "Back to school BBQ and school supply Giveaway". Kids come out with their family to a fun filled day including: food, face painting, and a bounce house and leave with backpacks stuffed with school supplies!

-Annual Thanksgiving feast, where families can come out to the Civic Center in Mascotte and eat thanksgiving dinner with other families! Each family will be able share something they are grateful for!

-Christmas Toy Giveaway: We are give toys to kids in our community that are in need during the Christmas season.


E.O.M. gives out clothes, shoes and household products to individuals that are in need.

E.O.M. also has a program in the works called "Rehabilitated and Redeemed", where we help individuals who want to get off of substance abuse, and we send them to a 12 month faith based program where they will have be offered support and at the completion of the program, will have a program set up for them to teach life skills, and also help them find a job.

These are just a few things that E.O.M. is doing for our community.